Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Taking the Plunge

Finally. A trip to a neighborhood beach (think Swedish lake beach, not Hawaiian sand beach) this summer inspired me to start blogging, mostly about how yoga inspires and infiltrates my daily life. But alas, it was daily life itself that got in the way and prevented that blog from coming to fruition. Today the muse took its form in the guise of a stormy autumn day - not exactly what I'd call a day at the beach - but it proved to be just as effective at getting those blogging juices flowing again. So finally, I'm taking the plunge and entering the blogosphere.

Whenever I successfully manage to get up early enough to complete my daily yoga practice (sadhana) before the rest of the household is set in motion I'm pretty much guaranteed to have a good day. Things fall into place, there is a "flow", if you will, and life just feels grand. This morning I was successful in completing both the yoga set and the absolutely essential meditation, which is probably what possessed me to take a walk after lunch in the pouring rain and gusting wind. The invigorating green smoothie (avocado, spinach, apple, ginger and chia seeds) I had for lunch may have contributed to my enthusiasm as well.

Fortunately I decided not to brave the elements without an umbrella, even though it felt somewhat encumbering, because the rain steadily increased. At first the negative mind kicked in and I wondered what in the world I was doing out there when I could have been quite cozy in my warm home. But then I "got it".

My kapha constitution needs stimulation, especially in the form of physical activity or else I too easily become a slug. The pelting rain urged me on at a steady pace, got my blood flowing. The cool, but not cold, autumn air offered plenty of life-giving prana to suck into my lungs and I was ravenous for it. When the energy starts moving it puts a bounce in your step and even a leaden gray sky can look promising.

I smiled at every person I passed along my way and even if it wasn't always reciprocated, I felt good. I felt alive. And I thought it was kind of cool that the hunched over old lady, the baby snuggled in his pram, the harried shoppers hurrying to get out of the rain and all the other people I encountered on my walk were all sharing this same moment. Corny? Yeah, but those are the musings of a quiet mind!

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