Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Group Energy

Last night I held two yoga classes in a row and finished up a few minutes ahead of schedule so I decided to do my evening meditation at the yoga center instead of at home. The fact is, when I go home, my bed becomes way more attractive than my yoga mat and sleep usually wins over a bedtime meditation. There is a lot more activity and noise at home - nothing crazy but enough to distract me from meditating.

So I got into position on my already warmed up woolly mat and did 11 minutes of Kirtan Kriya. I noticed right away how the room already contained a lot of energy and it definitely heightened my experience. Thanks to all my students who contributed to the group energy!

If you're one of those people who shies away from doing yoga in a group, I understand how you feel. A yoga practice is quite personal on many levels. But there is a special dynamic that comes from doing yoga in a group. The group energy helps carry you through the tough parts and as I found out last night it lingers on long after the group has gone home.

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