Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back in the saddle again

Or actually, back on the mat. Due to a fall on the ice and the ensuing consequences I was unable to do much physical yoga for more than a year and a half. Needless to say I had to give up teaching classes as well. I learned more about how to keep up a yoga practice even when you can't do any asanas, sit on the floor or bend down to put on your socks and shoes. At one point, I was really bummed out and figured I would never teach a yoga class again.

But to make a long story short, I took the time I needed to heal and gradually the possibility of teaching again began to become clearer. There was still some hesitation on my part but the desire to share this part of my life was so strong I just knew I had to make the decision to start a new class.

Last night was the night. A few former students and several new ones showed up. I felt a little rusty and a little nervous but I remembered some advice from a dear teacher of mine: Just tune in and get started and then get out of the way and let the yoga take it from it there. Works every time!

I felt so exalted after the class - it's hard to explain just how special it feels to introduce these techniques to people and see how it makes them feel.

Can't wait for next Monday!

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