Monday, January 2, 2012

A time for change

The new year is upon us - 2012! Is it the apocalyptic end of the world as we know it or the start of the New Age? Not sure, but one thing I do know is that it will be a time of change for me on several levels. I just turned 48 years old which means I am undergoing "the change" and it is a very trying time both physically and mentally. I welcome the end result but just wish I had some idea of how long this is all going to take.

My stint as a mother will also change this year as I become the parent of two teenagers. From my experience with one so far, a lot of deep breathing is necessary for those unpredictable outbursts. But there is also so much new insight that can come from these developing young adults who are standing on their own two feet more and more. It's a challenge I look forward to since I see it as a way for us all to evolve into better human beings.

My yoga practice is undergoing perhaps the biggest change of anything in my life right now. There have been questions, doubts, resistance, you name it. I haven't even been doing yoga or meditating every day (gasp!). And this has been part of the transformation I think. There is a danger in following a practice slavishly just for the sake of it. I began to notice that the joy of the practice was diminishing the more I tried to do it by the book.

So I've taken a step back and am adopting a new approach which is more attuned to my overall well-being. Feels quite liberating and this morning I actually got up at a decent hour and had a very satisfying yoga session. I feel like I am now ready to commit to a 40 day practice again. We'll see how it goes.

Now that that is settled I'm hoping I can figure out what to do on the job front. I'll continue to teach classes this term although a bit of a wrench has been thrown into my plans. Basically I don't have a reliable locale in which to hold classes and I am reluctant to run around searching for a new place before each term start. But spring session is more or less secured and then comes the summer break. A lot can happen between now and then.

So I'm bracing for the changes and looking forward to the new places they'll take me. Happy New Year!